
NOVACONF > Disclaimer


© Novaconf OÜ 2022

All rights reserved. The Information and the materials posted on this website are protected by copyrights.

Exclusive rights to the intellectual property and means of individualization used on this site belong to Novaconf OÜ which is the operator of this website.

Novaconf OÜ cannot guarantee the continuity and full reliability of access to the website.


  • This website contains general information.
  • No information published on this website shall be construed as professional consulting, services, or public offers.
  • When using the information which is published on the website, the user accepts full responsibility and risks that may arise from the use of this source and content hosted on it.
  • Novaconf OÜ shall not be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, or punitive damages arising out of or in connection with the use of this website.
  • Novaconf OÜ does not guarantee the absence of malicious software on this website and bears no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, and completeness of the provided information on it.
  • The website may contain hyperlinks to resources, websites, and tools that are maintained by third parties. The links of third parties placed on this website do not imply the support or endorsement by Novaconf OÜ for the information available on them.

All information about third parties posted on this website (speaker’s photo and data, the logo of participants, etc.) is not a final offer and сan be changed at the request of a third party.